Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts

were easily the most hated vegetable for me as a kid and until only in the last year.
They are related to the cabbage family and he buds are exceptionally rich in protein, dietary fiber, Vitamin C, A, B6 and also contain Calcium, minerals, and antioxidants, which work wonders to get rid of many health troubles.
The sprouts are one of the low-glycemic nutritious vegetables that should be considered in weight reduction programs.

Available throughout April to August and easy to find at markets, fruit stores and super markets, they are one of the healthiest of all vegies and providing they are not over cooked can be quite delicious.
They like many other vegetables can be steamed, boiled and fried prior to adding to casseroles or other dishes.
The dish that changed my perspective on brussel sprouts is very simple.

Recipe: Sweet chili brussel sprouts

•    Trim excess leaves off approx 10 sprouts and cut into halves
•    In a frypan add 2-3 tbs coconut oil and allow to melt down
•    Add 2 tsp agave or raw sugar and melt into coconut oil
•    Add brussel sprouts to frypan and cook until lightly brown and crispy
•    Add chili (we use Sambal Oleck) to taste
•    Fry for another 30 seconds
•    Serve immediately as a side

What other delicious uses do you know for Brussel sprouts

Brussel Sprouts