03 Feb Goji Berries
Goji Berries
are considered one of the super-foods, it has a fountain of youth benefit due to it containing all essential amino acids, and having the highest concentration of protein of any fruit. They are also loaded with vitamin C, contain more carotenoids than any other food, have twenty-one trace minerals, and are high in fiber. Goji berries have 15 times the amount of iron found in spinach, as well as calcium, zinc, selenium and many other important trace minerals. Natural in anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal compounds and their powerful antioxidant properties and polysaccharides help to boost the immune system.
They are normally found in Australia dried in health food, supermarkets and pharmacies, but best value is from local market nut and dried food stores.
They are great eaten as is, put into trail mixes and/or muesli, rehydrated and blended up in smoothies and used in deserts. One of @avegansmiles Protein Bite variety has Goji Berries combined with Cranberries to provide all the above goodness in one easy, convenient and yummy to eat ball.