03 Feb Kohlrabi
Kohlrabi is a interesting one as I have seen it around markets but not really know what it was and found it hard to get a straight answer, so when I put together the calcium component of my ‘Intro to Veggie’ I looked into it further and have read that is holds more vitamin C than oranges..
Kohlrabi is an annual vegetable that sort of looks like a small cabbage, eaten raw once peeled (which is how I have experienced it so far) it tastes similar to radish but not so peppery. It really nice and refreshing as is, or can be shredded, peeled or cut into salads.
Kohlrabi can also be cooked by steaming, roasting or in a pureeing into soup, it works great in casseroles or grated to make fritters.
It seems to have quite a good fridge life and is relatively inexpensive, if anyone knows where else you can get it other than Asian markets please let me/us know. 😀